Inglês, perguntado por aneixanny26gmailcom, 10 meses atrás

1-Complete com THE apenas onde for necessario
a jake is........... strongest man in this city. sun is shining today!
.... happiness is what everybody wants.
d. We met a Chinese man today, and ............. man told us that he also
speaks Japanese
e........ hotel you told me about is near the train station.
f. Every kid loves ........... ice-cream.
g. དའ་བ་ནས་ lion is a wild animal.
h. ........ whales are mammals.
I. I like this car, but look at... seats!​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mariannert2009


a) the

b) the

c) -

d) the

e) -

f) -

g) -

h) -

i) the

kauasouza100806: vlww
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