Inglês, perguntado por respostas723, 6 meses atrás

1) Complete com o Relative Pronoun Whose nas frases abaixo.
a) The girl ------ bag was stolen is my niece.
b) I'm reading a book ------ title I can't remember at moment.
c) That is the girl ------ brother was making some magic tricks at the
party last Saturday.
d) This is the shirt ------ sleeves are too tight.
e) The car ------- owner is my mom was in the garage
f) This is my friend Jane, ---------- sister went to
College with my brother.
g)--------- books are these?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sarahmeloosouzappp


oii, vou tentar ler traduzir, se eu conseguir eu venho aqui te ajudar!!

respostas723: obrigada.
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