Inglês, perguntado por aparecidamartinscida, 4 meses atrás

1. As frases dos exercícios abaixo estão na active voice. Passe-as para a passive v
a) Jerry ate the cheese.VA
b) Mary does the laundry on weekends.
c) Helen is walking the dog.
d) John has washed the car. 40
e) Doug was cooking dinner.
Brad had visited this museum before.
g) Jean will make my birthday cake.
me eynressa e mesmo significado de: When children watch​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por jinacintomarcymutomb


a. the cheese is eaten by Jerry .


c. the dog is walked by Helen.

the car is washed by John


f. the museum is visited by Brad.

my birthday cake is made by Jean.

espero ter ajudado

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