Assunto: Comparative adjectives
Questão 14-Read and complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives in
I’m from Chicago, and I’ve lived most of my life there. Recently I’ve moved to a small town
in California. There are big differences between the two cities, for example, life in Chicago
is a)__________________ (agitated) than the life in the country. It’s also
b)_______________ (noisy) and c) _________________ (expensive). In a small town
things happen in a slowly way and it’s also d) __________________ (quiet). But here I
work as much as I used to work in Chicago. Maybe even more!
I already have many friends in my new town! People here are e)
__________________(friendly) than in Chicago, and my social life is as f)
__________________(busy) as it used to be, but it’s
g) __________________(healthy). Instead of going out with my friends to pubs and clubs,
we go to parks and other activities outdoors.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Comparative
I’m from Chicago, and I’ve lived most of my life there. Recently I’ve moved to a small town in California. There are big differences between the two cities, for example, life in Chicago is more agitated than the life in the country. It’s also noisier and more expensive. In a small town things happen in a slowly way and it’s also quieter. But here I work as much as I used to work in Chicago. Maybe even more!
I already have many friends in my new town! People here are friendlier than in Chicago, and my social life is as busy as it used to be, but it’s healthier. Instead of going out with my friends to pubs and clubs, we go to parks and other activities outdoors.
⇒⇒ Comparative form >> compara 2 coisas, pessoas, grupos, sendo que um tem qualidade/característica superior, enfatizado por ''mais .... do que'' ou ''mais ... que'' >> more ... than
→ Adjetivos com até duas sílabas, a regra é acrescentar ‘’-er’’ ao adjetivo e incluir a palavra ‘’than’’ que significa ‘’do que’’.
Estrutura >>> adjetivo + -er + than
Bob is taller than his brother, Jack. (tall)
Bob é mais alto do que seu irmão, Jack.
→ Adjetivos com mais de 3 sílabas - acrescenta ''more'' antes do adjetivo adjetivo + than
Estrutura >>> more + adjetivo + than
Liz is more beautiful than Susan.
Liz é mais bonita do que Susan.
A plane is more expensive than a car.
Um avião é mais caro do que um carro.
→ Adjetivo com duas sílabas e advérbio que termina em consoante + ''y'', tira o ''y'' e acrescenta ''-ier'' + than
busy >> busier than
lucky >> luckier than
→ Se o adjetivo/advérbio não for monossílabo (uma sílaba) e terminar em consoante + ''y'', tira o ''y'' e acrescenta ''-ier' + than
lovely >> lovelier than
→ Adjetivos com duas sílabas e advérbios terminando em ''er'' acrescenta ''er''
clever >> cleverer than
→ Adjetivos com duas sílabas e advérbios terminando em ''le'' acrescenta ''-r'' + than
simple >> simpler than
→ Adjetivos curtos e que terminam em vogal + consoante, dobra a última consoante e acrescenta ''er'' + than
big >> bigger than
sad >> sadder than
far >>> farther than
good >>> better than
bad >>> worse than
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