Inglês, perguntado por clarafonseca1, 1 ano atrás

Assinale uma alternativa em que todas as frases estejam na voz passiva:
A. Mary did the work; The work was done by Mary; The telephone was invented by Graham Bell.
B.the children were taken to be the park by the mother; Flowers are planted by the ardener; The milk was drunk by the cat.
C. The mother took the children to be park; Water covers a great part of the earth; The cat drinks milk.
D. The work was done by Mry; Graham Bell invented the telephone; The cat drinks milk.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por victor931
Alternativa B

The children WERE TAKEN to the park by the mother.
(Se fosse na voz ativa seria "The mother take the children to the park")

Flowers ARE PLANTED BY THE gardner.
(Na voz ativa: "The gardner planted the flowers")

The milk WAS DRUNK BY THE cat.
(Diferente de: "The cat drinks the milk")
Respondido por rafaelmadeira
Letra B.the children were taken to be the park by the mother; Flowers are planted by the ardener; The milk was drunk by the cat.
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