Inglês, perguntado por Keke4141, 1 ano atrás

Assinale as opções que completam corretamente as frases a seguir com os Reflexive Pronouns Corretos: a) Peter cut _________ this morning. herself themselves yourself himself b) Bob and Tina ___________ cooked the dinner. It was delicious! yourselves yourself themselves himself c) My cat cleans __________ every day. itself yourselves himself themselves

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por mariaclaraagfe


oii, as respostas são:

a) himself (pq se refere a ele)

b) themselves (pq se refere a eles)

c) itself (pq se refere a um animal, e qnd se refere a um animal ou objeto se usa It)

espero ter ajudado :))

Keke4141: Valeu!
mariaclaraagfe: por nada :))
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