Inglês, perguntado por bryangabriellopesfer, 4 meses atrás

Assinale a(s) sentença(s) na(s) qual(is) o advérbio de frequência está

corretamente posicionado.

a) Mary sometimes cleans her house. ( )

b) Peter is never late for dinner. ( )

c) Mary takes often the dog for a walk. ( )

d) They hardly ever have sandwiches in the evening. ( )

e) Mary always reads the newspapers in the weekend. ( )

f) Peter brings Mary usually a cup of tea in bed. ( )

g) They usually don’t have breakfast. ( )​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por karol43souza


A, D, E e G essas são as corretas

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Matemática, 8 meses atrás