Inglês, perguntado por estrela0x0, 6 meses atrás

assinale a opção com adjetivo que completa a frase correta.

My front year is
( ) Large
( ) Larger
( ) Largest

b. This car is
( ) Smallest
( ) Smaller
( ) Small

c. We all threw our hats in the air at the same time. My hat flew the
( ) High
( ) Highest
( ) Higher

d. Your car ran theof any car in the race.
( ) Fast
( ) Fastest
( ) Faster

e. Tim and Terrell are both my cousins, but I like Terrell
( ) Best
( ) Better
( ) Bestest

f. The yellow house is thein the neighborhood
( ) Largest
( ) Larger
( ) Large

g. My room is very
( ) Smaller
( ) Smallest
( ) Small

ajudaa pfvr​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por carneiro318


a. large

b. small


d. fastest



g. small


estrela0x0: obrigada :)
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