Inglês, perguntado por Luizinho227, 7 meses atrás

Assinale a alternativa que melhor completa a frase. 1) “I have a headache” “You _____" * a) ...must lie down. b) …should take some medicine. c) … shouldn’t take medicine. 2) She has a _________. She shouldn’t eat too much candy. * Fever Headache Toothache cough 3) Pedro has a fever. He ________ * … shouldn’t go to school today. … mustn’t lie down. … shouldn’t take medicine. 4) I have a cold. You ______ * ... should see a doctor, drink lots of fluids, stay home and rest. ... shouldn't see a doctor, you must go to work. ... have to eat junk food. 5) I ______________ do my housework at the weekend. (obrigação) * Should have to mustn't 6) You ________ tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret. * must mustn’t have to 7) Assinale o problema de saúde que NÃO é um sintoma da COVID-19. sore throat * cough toothache headache sore throat

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por SamuelKS95


1) should take some medicine

2) toothache

3) shouldn't go to school today

4) should see a doctor, drink lots of fluids, stay home and rest

5) have to

6) mustn't

7) toothache


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