Inglês, perguntado por sthefanyfesta9, 8 meses atrás

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente os espaços no texto a seguir:Fiona is a nurse. She _________________ at 6:00 a. m.. First she has a ________________. Then she ______________ breakfast. Next she takes a ________________ to go to work. She __________________ in a hospital. She _____________________ at the hospital at 8’ clock and works until 4:00 p. m.. She gets _________________ at 6:00 p. m. and has ____________. After that she watches _______________ and goes to bed. *

5 pontos

( ) Gets up / Has / Arrive / TV / Dinner / Home / Shower / Bus / Works

( ) Get up / Has / TV / Arrives / Dinner / Home / Shower / Bus / Works

( ) Gets up / Shower / Has / Bus / Works / Arrives / Home / Dinner / TV​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por deivissonanjos94


( ) Gets up / Has / Arrive / TV / Dinner / Home / Shower / Bus / Works

( ) Get up / Has / TV / Arrives / Dinner / Home / Shower / Bus / Works

( X ) Gets up / Shower / Has / Bus / Works / Arrives / Home / Dinner / TV

sthefanyfesta9: sabe sobre esse aqui
sthefanyfesta9: Qual resposta que completa corretamente o enunciado a seguir: A:__________________ Joe watch TV on weekends? B: Yes, He _______________________ *

2 pontos

( ) Do / Does

( ) Does / Don’t

( ) Does / Does
isabeladfreitasneves: do/ does
sthefanyfesta9: Qual resposta que completa corretamente o enunciado a seguir: A:___________________ Tom and Shirley go to school by bus? B: No, They______________________ *

2 pontos

( ) Do / Don’t

( ) Does / Doesn’t

( ) Does / Don’t
sthefanyfesta9: e esse?
sthefanyfesta9: e que e prova
sthefanyfesta9: se poderia estar me ajudar
sthefanyfesta9: ajudando
isabeladfreitasneves: does/ don't
sthefanyfesta9: obgda
Respondido por isabeladfreitasneves

Resposta: ( ) Gets up / Shower / Has / Bus / Works / Arrives / Home / Dinner / TV​


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