Inglês, perguntado por nicolas97644, 8 meses atrás

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente o texto: The ............. hanami (花見・はなみ) in Japanese is composed of the kanji “................” (花) and “see/............” (見), so the translation is quite .................: contemplate the flowers. Although the word refers more specifically to cherry ............. *

word, flower, watch, simple, blossoms
world, flower, watch, hard, flower
words, flower, watches, simples, fruit
word, flower, watches, simple, flowers

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gabrieltalles00

The word hanami in Japanese is composed of the kanji “flower” and “see/watch”, so the translation is quite simple contemplate the flowers. Although the word refers more specifically to cherry blossoms.

R.: Primeira alternativa: word, flower, watch, simple, blossoms.

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