Inglês, perguntado por nayarafernanda2003, 8 meses atrás

Assinale a alternativa incorreta, quanto a colocação do tempo presente perfeito: * 3 pontos A)Susan and John have been gone through hard times.B) You has been here all this time.C) Taylor has followed my page for a long time. D)The company has developed this product for 10 years. ​

vo6789012: letra b
vo6789012: por nada
vo6789012: serio
nayarafernanda2003: eu digitei certinho
nayarafernanda2003: sa
nayarafernanda2003: ss

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eduardafranzoni7


B) You has been here all this time.


O correto seria "You have been here all this time"

nayarafernanda2003: obgda duda
nayarafernanda2003: ❤❤
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