Inglês, perguntado por valadaresvasconcelos, 11 meses atrás

Assim como em Língua Portuguesa, artigos são utilizados com substantivos para indicar se algo é genérico ou específico; se é conhecido ou desconhecido por pelo menos um dos interlocutores, dentre outras possibilidades. Diferentemente do Português, porém, os artigos em Língua Inglesa não variam nem em gênero nem em número. O artigo indefinido (indefinite article), em Língua Inglesa, é a, com seu variável an; eles podem significar “um” ou “uma”. O artigo definido (definite article) da Língua Inglesa é the, que pode significar tanto “o” e “a” como “os” e “as”. Mobilizando seus conhecimentos acerca dos artigos e seus usos em Inglês, leia o texto abaixo e avalie as informações que seguem.

Nobel Prize in Physics: Einstein Was Right!

Every year the Swedish Academy gives out the Nobel Prizes. The award categories include medicine, physics, chemistry, literature, and economics. For example, last year they gave the prize in literature to the musician Bob Dylan! Eight years ago they gave the Nobel Prize for Peace to Barak Obama.
Usually, no one has heard of the winners. This year the Nobel Prize in Physics went to scientists in the U.S.A.
What did they do to deserve the prize? They heard and recorded the sound (a chirp) of two black holes colliding. This took place a billion light-years away from Earth. The chirp met the last prediction of Einstein’s general theory of relativity. They are the result of gravitational waves. Before now, no one had ever heard one.
The Prize Committee called it “a discovery that shook the world.”
Einstein had a vision of the universe. He said space and time are interwoven and dynamic. They stretch, shrink and jiggle. His theory includes black holes. They are bottomless gravitational pits. Not even light can escape from them.
Scientists say that it took years of hard work and testing to confirm these facts. Einstein predicted them one hundred years ago.
The power of the gravitational waves is 50 times greater than that of all the stars in the universe. The waves vibrated a pair of L-shaped antennas in Washington State and Louisiana on September 14, 2016.
A scientist said, “We are all over the moon and back. Einstein would be very happy, I think.”
Astronomy has been all about eyes looking at telescopes. An expert said, “Finally, astronomy grew ears. We never had ears before. It is as though we had only seen the ocean’s surface on a calm day. But now we have seen it roiled in a storm, with crashing waves.”
The rules for space and time had prevailed since the time of Newton. Newton said the universe was fixed and static. Einstein rewrote those rules. He said matter and energy distort the geometry of the universe in the way a heavy sleeper causes a mattress to sag. They produce the effect we call gravity.
What happened on September 14, 2016, was that the sound of black holes colliding actually was heard. The event occurred 1.2 billion years ago. A scientist said, “The loudest things in the gravity-wave sky are the most exotic things in the universe. They are black holes, neutron stars, and the early universe.”
It is the beginning of a new era in understanding the dark side of the universe.

Disponível em < >. Acesso em 06 de out. 2017 (adaptado).

I) Em “This year the Nobel Prize in Physics went to scientists in the U.S.A.”, o termo scients explicita que o Prêmio Nobel foi concedido a mais de um cientista. Caso apenas um cientista tivesse recebido o prêmio, a construção ficaria: “This year the Nobel Prize in Physics went to a scientist in the U.S.A.”
II) Em “This took place a billion light-years away from Earth” o artigo “a” poderia ser substituído pelo numeral “one”, sem diferenças significativas em termos de significado.
III) Em “Einstein had a vision of the universe” o uso de “a” justifica-se pelo fato de ser a primeira vez, no texto, em que se faz referência à visão que Einstein tinha do universo – que é explicada logo adiante no texto.
IV) Em “An expert said, ‘Finally, astronomy grew ears. We never had ears before’” o uso de “an” em detrimento de “a” deve-se ao fato de “expert” ser um vocábulo iniciado por uma vogal que é pronunciada na palavra.

Agora, assinale a alternativa correta.


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Apenas I e II estão corretas.

Apenas I, II e III estão corretas.

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Respondido por Misalles
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POPO12345: Todas estão corretas.
Respondido por WesleyeElisandra
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