Ask the questions a)! yes i am ar shool

Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
a) are you at school?
b) are they your parents?
c) is it an elephant gray?
d) is she a beautiful girl?
e) are you a boy?
f) is it the English book?
g) are you students?
h) are they best friends?
i) is he a doctor?
j) are you singer?
k) are you at home?
l) am I a good student?
Para se fazer perguntas em inglês com o verbo to be (are, am, is) basta colocá-los no inicio da frase.
Are está no plural e se usa para They, We.
Is está no singular e se usa para He, She, It.
Am também está no singular e se usa para I.
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