Inglês, perguntado por mayrareis87, 11 meses atrás

As frases abaixo estão incompletas. Complete-as usando o Present Continuous dos
verbos entre parênteses na forma correta
Example: The baby ___ _______ now. (to cry) The baby is crying now.
a) I ____ _________ my hair this evening. (to wash)
b) What ____ you ________ tonight? (to do)
c) Meg ____ ________ her lunch now. (to eat)
d) We ____ _________ to Mexico next summer.(to travel)
e) My car _____ ________ in for a service next week. (to go)
f) I ____ _______ a short course on gastronomy. (to take)
g) My daughter _______ _________ braces in order to straightem her teeth. (to wear)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por debye212
A) whashing
B) do 
C) eating
D) traveling
E) going
F) taking
G) wearing 

Respondido por NicolySouza2017
a) is washing

b) is doing

c) is eating

d) is traveling

e) is going

f)is taking

g) is wearing
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