Inglês, perguntado por ledmarjunior, 1 ano atrás

As atividades dessa semana se referem ao mesmo texto da semana passada. Releia o texto da
semana passada e responda as perguntas:
1."Then a strange thing happened. Uncle Henry and Aunt Em's house began to move. It turned
around and around and went up and up. It was in the center of the cyclone where the north and
south winds met.”
O pronome it se refere a:
( ) Uncle Henry
( ) Aunt Em
( ) Uncle Henry and Aunt Em’s house
2. The girl closed her eyes and she was soon fast asleep.
O pronome pessoal SHE se refere a qual palavra da frase anterior?
3. "Quick, Dorothy! Get inside!" Aunt Em cried as she opened the wooden trap door to the cellar.
Marque a opção correta:
( ) Tia Em gritava para sua sobrinha Dorothy entrar enquanto abria a porta de madeira que
dava para o abrigo.
( ) Tia Em gritava para sua sobrinha Dorothy entrar e depois abriu a porta de madeira que
dava para o abrigo.
4. Complete o texto com as palavras dos quadrados:
But today, Dorothy and Toto were not playing_______________Henry was standing with Dorothy
in the ___________________ of the little house. He was looking at the gray sky and he was very
worried. Then they heard the sound of a strong______. It was coming from the south. It whistled
and roared. It blew the long grass of the prairie until it was flat. There's a __________coming,
Em!" Uncle Henry called to his wife.


5. But the little dog was afraid of the wind. He jumped down from Dorothy's arms and ran under
her bed.
O pronome pessoal se refere a
( ) the little dog
( ) the wind
6. But today, Dorothy and Toto were not playing. Uncle Henry was standing with Dorothy in the
doorway of the little house. He was looking at the gray sky and he was very worried. Then they
heard the sound of a strong wind. It was coming from the south. It whistled and roared. It blew
the long grass of the prairie until it was flat. There's a cyclone coming, Em!" Uncle Henry called
to his wife.
O texto narrativo utiliza muito os verbos no passado. E em inglês, de acordo com sua
terminação eles são chamados de regulares e irregulares. Copie os verbos em negrito e os
coloque na coluna abaixo adequada.

iasminrodrigues236: Qual é regulare e qual é irregular?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por veronica2711

Resposta: 1."Then a strange thing happened. Uncle Henry and Aunt Em's house began to move. It turned

around and around and went up and up. It was in the center of the cyclone where the north and

south winds met.”

O pronome it se refere a:

( ) Uncle Henry

( ) Aunt Em

(X) Uncle Henry and Aunt Em’s house

2. The girl closed her eyes and she was soon fast asleep.

O pronome pessoal SHE se refere a qual palavra da frase anterior?

Resposta: Doroth.

3. "Quick, Dorothy! Get inside!" Aunt Em cried as she opened the wooden trap door to the cellar.

Marque a opção correta:

(X) Tia Em gritava para sua sobrinha Dorothy entrar enquanto abria a porta de madeira que

dava para o abrigo.

( ) Tia Em gritava para sua sobrinha Dorothy entrar e depois abriu a porta de madeira que

dava para o abrigo.

4. Complete o texto com as palavras dos quadrados:

But today, Dorothy and Toto were not playing UNCLE Henry was standing with Dorothy

in the DOORWAY of the little house. He was looking at the gray sky and he was very worried. Then they heard the sound of a strong WIND. It was coming from the south. It whistled

and roared. It blew the long grass of the prairie until it was flat. There's a CYCLONE coming, Em!" Uncle Henry called to his wife.


5. But the little dog was afraid of the wind. He jumped down from Dorothy's arms and ran under

her bed.

O pronome pessoal se refere a

(X) the little dog

( ) the wind

6. But today, Dorothy and Toto were not playing. Uncle Henry was standing with Dorothy in the

doorway of the little house. He was looking at the gray sky and he was very worried. Then they

heard the sound of a strong wind. It was coming from the south. It whistled and roared. It blew

the long grass of the prairie until it was flat. There's a cyclone coming, Em!" Uncle Henry called

to his wife.

O texto narrativo utiliza muito os verbos no passado. E em inglês, de acordo com sua

terminação eles são chamados de regulares e irregulares. Copie os verbos em negrito e os

coloque na coluna abaixo adequada.


whistled and roared. was standing

blew was looking

called was

was coming

aninhadaassemb57: A 6 como saber qual é qual?
DanySantos294: So ñ entendi a 6 mais msm asim obg ❤
eduardohenrique6878: Qual e regular e irregular
eduardohenrique6878: Linda
naianebraz112: Ajudou muito princesa ❤️
izabellyksouza: Mim ajudou de mais só não entendi a 6 mais muito obg ❤️
edmargomes751: obgda ❤️ gatinha
edmargomes751: me ajudou muito
ana959725: vlw
Respondido por moniquekucera

As seguintes tarefas se referem ao texto Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum, que foi recontado por Elizabeth Walker.

1. "Then a strange thing happened. Uncle Henry and Aunt Em's house began to move. It turned  around and around and went up and up. It was in the center of the cyclone where the north and  south winds met.”

O pronome it no trecho se refere a:  

Uncle Henry and Aunt Em’s house ✔️

Essa é a alternativa correta pois o pronome "it" é neutro, e pode ser usado ao se referir a coisas, objetos e animais, e podemos ver no texto que anteriormente a essa palavra, se fala da casa dos tios da Dorothy: 

"Então uma coisa estranha aconteceu. A casa do tio Henry e da tia Em começou a se mover. Ela girou e girou e subiu e subiu. Estava no centro do ciclone onde os ventos do norte e do sul se encontraram."

2. The girl closed her eyes and she was soon fast asleep.  

O pronome pessoal "she" se refere à palavra "girl" na frase anterior.

Sabemos disso pois o pronome pessoal "she" é usado para se referir a meninas e mulheres, e a frase começa ao se referir à menina.

3. "Quick, Dorothy! Get inside!" Aunt Em cried as she opened the wooden trap door to the cellar.

De acordo com a tradução da frase, a alternativa correta é  

Tia Em gritava para sua sobrinha Dorothy entrar enquanto abria a porta de madeira que  dava para o abrigo. ✔️

Essa é a alternativa correta pois a palavra "as" em inglês tem o significado de "ao" ou "enquanto", ou seja, ela gritava para a sobrinha ao mesmo tempo que abria a porta de madeira do abrigo.

4. Nessa atividade temos que completar o seguinte texto com as palavras:

  • doorway - uncle - cyclone - wind

But today, Dorothy and Toto were not playing. Uncle Henry was standing with Dorothy  in the doorway of the little house. He was looking at the gray sky and he was very  worried. Then they heard the sound of a strong wind. It was coming from the south. It whistled  and roared. It blew the long grass of the prairie until it was flat. There's a cyclone coming,  Em!" Uncle Henry called to his wife.

5. But the little dog was afraid of the wind. He jumped down from Dorothy's arms and ran under her bed.

O pronome pessoal "he" se refere a

the little dog ✔️

Essa alternativa é a correta pois fala que ele pulou do colo da Dorothy para se esconder embaixo da cama.

Os Pronomes Pessoais (Personal Pronouns)  - são termos que indicam pessoas, lugares e objetos. Podem ser classificados em:  

  • Subject pronouns (pronomes pessoais do caso reto) - funcionam como sujeitos.

I ---> eu

You ---> você, tu

He ---> ele

She ---> ela

It (neutro) ---> ele, ela

We ---> nós

You  ---> vocês, vós

They ---> eles, elas

  • Object pronouns (pronomes pessoais do caso oblíquo) - funcionam como objetos. Exemplos:

Me ---> me, mim

You ---> lhe, o, a, te, ti, a você

Him ---> lhe, o, a ele

Her ---> lhe, a, a ela

It ---> lhe, o, a

Us ---> nos

You ---> vos, lhes, a vocês

Them ---> lhes, os, as

6. But today, Dorothy and Toto were not playing. Uncle Henry was standing with Dorothy in the  doorway of the little house. He was looking at the gray sky and he was very worried. Then they heard the sound of a strong wind. It was coming from the south. It whistled and roared. It blew the long grass of the prairie until it was flat. There's a cyclone coming, Em!" Uncle Henry called to his wife.

Os verbos do destacados no trecho estão no passado. Em inglês de acordo com sua terminação eles podem ser verbos regulares ou irregulares. Precisamos colocá-los na coluna correta:


was standing - was looking - was coming - whistled - called - roared


was - were - heard - blew

  • Irregular verbs (verbos irregulares) - apresentam uma formação diferente dos verbos regulares. possuem uma formação própria para as flexões dos tempos verbais Simple Past e Past Participle. Essa formação não tem qualquer semelhança com o infinitivo do verbo.
  • Regular verbs (verbos regulares) - seguem o padrão de formação das flexões nos tempos verbais Simple Past e Past Participle, ou seja, o termo -ed é acrescentado ao verbo no infinitivo.

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