Inglês, perguntado por Amacris, 2 meses atrás

Arrange the words in the correct order: (coloque as palavras em ordem).
a) you/did/ fly/where/last month?
b)Tom/whom/Will help/ tomorrow?
c)Now/what/até Reading/ you?
d)Tim/How/get to/does/work/usually?
e)They/ like/ do/why/ chess/ tô play?
f)Liz/go to/ how often/ does/the cinema?
g)Shora/are/these/whose/or/tim's tours?
h)Favourite/sportsman/ your/ who/ is?
i) that/ is/ suit/ blue/ how much? ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por adsonjesus2014p5v3l1


Boa noite.


a) Where did you fly last month?

b) Will Tom help whom tomorrow?

c) What are you reading now?

d) How does Tim get to work usually?

e) Why do they like to play chess?

f) Does Liza go often to the cinema?

g) Whose are these Tim's or yours Shora?

h) Who is your favourite sportsman?

i) How much is that blue suit?

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