Inglês, perguntado por larissalovegata, 1 ano atrás

Are you superstitious? Circle the letters (a to l, exercise 1) that
describe your superstitions.
3. Do you think you are a lucky person?
( ) Yes, I do. ( ) No, I don’t.
4. Look at cartoon 1 on page 24; then consult the superstitions from
exercise 1 to help you answer the questions.
a) What happened?
b) According to the chart, will this action bring good luck?
( ) Yes, it will. ( ) No, it won’t.
5. Look at cartoon 2 on page 24 and fill in the blanks with the right form
of the verbs to report the story.
The snowman (throw) salt over his left shoulder to
(bring) him good luck. He (not know) that if
you put salt on snow, it melts. So, his shoulder (melt).
6. Which statement is a scientific fact?
( ) If you throw salt over your left shoulder, you will have good luck.
( ) If you throw salt on snow, it melts.
Learn more. Go to digital object
“Do you believe in superstitions?”.

7. What are the evidences in cartoon 3 for the statement “Genetically, he is only 50%
bad luck…”?
( ) There are two black cats on the wall.
( ) The car threw a lot of mud on the cat.
( ) The cat crossing the man’s path is half black and half white.
( ) Mud covered just half of the man’s body.
8. Read cartoon 4. What explanation for the accident is based on superstition?
In your opinion, what is the best explanation for that accident?
( ) It was a fortuitous event. ( ) It was a matter of security.
9. What would you do if a black cat crossed your path? Read some answers posted
at and
mark the ones you like the most.
( ) Nothing. It happens to me on a daily basis considering I own a black cat.
( ) Superstitions are super stupid.
( ) “Here kitty kitty.”
( ) Keep walking. Black cats tend to bring me luck.
( ) The same thing I’d do if a white one crossed.
( ) I’d say, “Hi Sissy, ya hungry?” and scratch her back.
10. What other superstitions do you know?Write them down and then complete your list
with suggestions from your classmates

larissalovegata: ME AJUDEM PF!!!!!
larissalovegata: ;(
larissalovegata: pffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Luiz1Rds: Não tem como responder sem ver os cartoons.
larissalovegata: okey
larissalovegata: ixa mais n tem geito de tirar foto,pelo computador,e o meu celular ta estragado
larissalovegata: okey entao
larissalovegata: deixa pra la

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Davi9811
Cara, precisa de fotos da página 24.
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