Inglês, perguntado por high48, 2 meses atrás

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high48: a) Barbara likes ___________ teachers. Do you like ____________
high48: Complete as sentenças com adjetivos possesivos ou pronomes posessivos
high48: b) I have a beutiful house. ____________ house is white but ____________ doors are blue.
high48: c) The teacher is talking about water and _________ preperties.
high48: d) That is not Peter's car _________ is yellow.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lucaslessaq


a) Babara likes her teachers. Do you like them?

b) I have a beautiful house. My house is white but its doors are blue.

c) The teacher is taking about water and its properties.

d) That is not Peter's car. His is yellow.


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