Inglês, perguntado por seidetudopodeperg, 11 meses atrás

Answer these questions in English.
a) What may some associations do

with the gadgets?

b) What are the recyclable gadget?

c) Will you protect the environment

when you recycle your gadget?

d) What can gadgets emit?​

seidetudopodeperg: porrrr faaaaa vorrrr raaaaapiiiiidooooooo

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por biiia39


a)  In general, they operate in the activities of selective collection, sorting, classification, processing and distribution of reusable and recyclable waste

b) glass, metal, paper and plastic

c) yes, you help to change the climate change for example

d) atmospheric pollution, methane gas, air contamination


ms7393645: Valeu
ms7393645: Obrigadaaaaaa
neusarodriguessantos: enfim valeuuu ,aproveita e me segue la no instagram aaa_rodrigues13
neusarodriguessantos: parabens ;-;
saracristina1701: Obg ❤️.
marlyncapellan5: obg
vitorianathany61: obg
grazyellediniz: Obg bb
llumyfs: Obgdaa xuxu :3
RaissaJennyffer: obgdh mb
Respondido por larissadecastro1702


a)  In general, they operate in the activities of selective collection, sorting, classification, processing and distribution of reusable and recyclable waste

b) glass, metal, paper and plastic

c) yes, you help to change the climate change for example

d) atmospheric pollution, methane gas, air contamination


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