Inglês, perguntado por douglasilva1401, 1 ano atrás

Answer the questions:
1- Besides working, do you also study at any university?
2- Are you thinking about sending your resume to multinational companies?
3- What are you plana for the future?
4- Is it true that you will travel to the U.S. next year?
5- Do you usually read the news online?
6- What places are you thinking about next vacation?
7- Do you have to speak English at work?
8- What do you like to do for fun on weekends?
9- Is your native language as easy as English is?
10- Why is it important to learn a second language?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nicholasgodoyx
Essas respostas são pessoais, então, responderei como se fosse eu:

1- No, I do not
2- Yes, I may be thinking about that
3- I haven't been thinking about that much lately
4- Yes, it is
5- I do, sometimes.
6- I was thinking about the United States
7- Yes, I do
8- Play videogames, surf the internet and go out with friends
9- No it isn't. In Portuguese there are a lot more rules than English.
10- Because a lot of employers request a second language, and it can also be useful while traveling.
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