Inglês, perguntado por anasou, 9 meses atrás

angry cautious surprised sad selfish confused happy embarrassed tired bored shy jealous - excited

frustrated ecstatic scared worried

1. He's

2. He's

3. He's

4. She's

5. She's

6. He's

7. He's

8. He's

9. She's.

10. They're

11. She's

12. She's

13. He's

14. He's

15. He's

16. He's.

17. He's.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por pyetra541536

1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of can, could, or be able to.

Example: We were so hungry we couldn’t wait for dinner, so we ordered pizza.


1) I could swim when I was five. My dad taught me.

2) We’re very sorry but we will not be able to attend the wedding. We’ll be on vacation.

3) Would you like to be able to play a musical instrument?

4) He opened his present before his birthday because he couldn´t wait!

5) After living here for four months, I can understand a lot of Greek now.

6) Could you lend me a pen, please? I’ve forgotten mine.

7) I’ve never able to sing well, but my brother has a beautiful voice.

8) I can´t read this menu without my glasses. Can you read it to me, please?

9) We’re free tonight, so we’ll are able to come and help you if you like.

10) My sister could ride a horse since she was four!


2. Complete the sentences with have to, don’t have to, must, mustn’t, should, or shouldn’t.

Example: We’ll have to leave early tomorrow morning.


1) I always have to stand up on the train because there are no seats.

2) You really mustn´t eat in class, but I’ll let you do it this time.

3) Where do you think we should stay in Vermont? In a hotel or a B&B?

4) There’s a lot of trash in that lake. You shouldn´t swim in it!

5) You don´t have to pay to get into that museum – it’s free.

6) We should leave early in the morning if we want to get home before dark.

7) It’s a great movie. You really should go and see it.

8) Great! It’s a holiday tomorrow – we shouldn´t go to work.

9) You must drive on the right in Europe (except in the U.K.).

10) Do we must get up early tomorrow?




3 Choose from the pairs of adjectives to complete the sentences. embarrassed / embarrassing bored / boring frightened / frightening tired / tiring depressed / depressing.  

Example: The game was really boring. There weren’t any goals.


1) It was so embarrassing when my cell phone rang during the play.

2) That’s possibly the most boring movie I’ve ever seen. Nothing happened.

3) I was very frightened when the door suddenly opened on its own.

4) It rained every day on my vacation. I couldn’t do anything and was so bored.

5) Why is traveling so tiring when most of the time you’re just sitting down?

6) I find most horror movies too frightening so I keep my eyes closed half the time.

7) I’m not surprised Ian’s depressed! He’s just lost his job, and his dog’s just died.

8) She was so embarrassed when she called him by the wrong name!

9) We’re incredibly tired. We’ve spent all day sightseeing in Chicago.

10) I find it depressing that most people don’t really care about climate change.



4. Complete the word in the sentences.

Example: I didn’t hang up. I dropped my cell phone and it broke.

1) What screen do you have for the display on your phone?

2) I like instant messaging. It’s quick but you have time to think of a reply.

3) My phone was on vibration mode during the meeting.

4) Hi, I called you but the line was busy. Send me a massege when you’re free.

5) You must switch off your cell phone when you’re in a movie theater.

6) I have to go to a meeting now. Can you call me back in an hour?

7) Kasia sent you a telephone message this morning – didn’t you get it?

8) I’m trying to call Marco, but his line’s been busy for half an hour.

9) Sorry about the noise. My cell phone’s new and I need to choose a new ringtone.

10) Sorry, I think I’ve dialed the wrong number.





1. Read the article and check A, B, or C


Example: Many people text or email more than they talk on the phone.


1) We are making 10% fewer landline calls these days.

2) We call less because we have other ways to communicate.

3) The writer says we use our smartphones for speaking to friends.

4) When we’re busy we don’t like talking on the phone.

5) We like to plan our ideas before we reply to something.

6) Some people who receive a phone call prefer to reply by text.

7) Psychologists say that a spoken conversation is warmer than a written one.

8) Older people prefer the landline phone.

9) Most people like making contact by phone.



2. Read the article again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

Example: We make 5% fewer cell phone calls these days. T


1) We are sending twice as many texts. T

2) People are happy to call someone without arranging it first. F

3) We like using our phones to watch movies more than to talk. F

4) We prefer to be surprised by phone calls. F

5) Written communication takes more time. T

6) Everyone agrees that speaking is better than writing. T

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