Inglês, perguntado por oliveiraingrid240, 5 meses atrás

Angelina Jolie appeals for women's rights at Africa Union Summit “I am pleading with you as _____ to live up to these commitments and go beyond them. You can change your societies for the better. You can make protecting and ____ women the priority that it has to be.You can resolve to arrest the men that commit these ___, to collect the evidence and prosecute them. To allocate funds for survivors, to look at your laws and see what needs to be changed, to root out violence and ___ against women in all forms.You can all make a decision right now in your own minds that you are going to commit to see this ___ become a reality”. A opção que melhor atende a resposta em sequência *

a. crime / discrimination / empowering / change / leaders.

b. change / discrimination / leaders / crime / empowering.

c. leaders / crimes / empowering / change / discrimination.

d. leadres / empowering / crimes / discrimination / change.

e. chance / crimes / empowering / discrimation / leaders.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por saraslpaz12

Resposta:  d. leaders / empowering  / crimes  /  discrimination  /  change.


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