Inglês, perguntado por kr200620081986, 9 meses atrás

andy esta se despedindo de sua esposa Beth que esta indo em uma viagem de negócios. coloque os verbos entre parênteses, conjugando-os de forma correta e, circule a palavra que corresponde a frase que esta antes ou despois da barra

A: bye darling! have a good trip!
B: thanks. i ____(call ) you while /when i arrive at the hotel
A: but i'm going out toninght. Remember?
B: well, when/if you______(be) out when i ____ call, i _____ (leave) a message on the answer phone.
A: great. what time do yo think you'll be there?
B:if/when the plane _____ (arrive) on time, i _____ (be) at the hotel at about 10:00 in the evening your time.
A: ok everything goes well bet me know when/ while you _____ (have) the time of your flight home, and i____ (pick) you up at the aiport.
B: right! have a nice time as soon as while i ____ (be) away! don't miss me too much.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Fill in the blanks

A: Bye, darling! Have a good trip!

B: Thanks. I will call you when I arrive at the hotel.

A: But I'm going out tonight. Remember?

B: Well, if you  are out when I call, I will leave a message on the answer phone.

A: Great. What time do you think you'll be there?

B: If the plane arrives on time, I will be at the hotel at about 10:00 in the evening your time.

A: Ok.  Everything goes well. Let me know when you have the time of your flight home, and I will pick you up at the aiport.

B: Right!  Have a nice time while I am away! Don't miss me too much.​

⇒⇒  When - quando >>> usado para falar de duas ações que acontecem ao mesmo tempo ou uma imediatamente após a outra

My father picked up the phone when it rang. >> Meu pai atendeu o telefone quando (ele) tocou.

I got my driver’s license when I was 16 years. >> Eu tirei minha carteira de habilitação quando eu tinha 16 anos.

⇒⇒  While - enquanto >>> usado para falar quando duas ações acontecem ao mesmo tempo.

I was playing video game while my father was watching TV.

Eu estava jogando video game enquanto meu pai estava assistindo TV.


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