Analisando a frase: “Our children are facing problems of human heart.” Na forma interrogativa, será:
a) Are they facing problems of human heart?
b) They are facing problems of human heart?
c) Are our children facing problems of human heart?
d) Problems they are facing of human heart?
e) NDA
12. Transformando a seguinte frase: “My sisters work so much”, para o Presente Contínuo, será:
a) My sisters are so much.
b) My sisters are work so much.
c) My sisters working so much.
d) My sisters are working so much.
e) NDA
13. Para a formação do gerúndio, no inglês, acrescentamos ING no final dos verbos, porém existem algumas regras e exceções. Assinale a ÚNICA alternativa onde exemplifica e que contenha todas as regras de gerúndio após ter feito uma análise do infinitivo e da conjugação verbal:
a) to play = playing / to love = loving / to stop = stopping / to agree = agring
b) to play = plaing / to love = loveing / to stop = stoping / to agree = agreeing
c) to play = plaing / to love = loving / to stop = stopping / to agree = agreing
d) to play = playing / to love = loving / to stop = stopping / to agree = agreeing
e) NDA
14. Sobre o uso dos PERSONAL PRONOUNS, marque a alternativa CORRETA:
The boys ______________ their Japanese lesson.
a) are doing
b) is doing
c) are do
d) is do
e) NDA
15. Analisando a seguinte frase: “They’re going to the theater”. Na forma interrogativa, será:
a) Are they going to the theater?
b) Going are they to the theater?
c) They aren’t going to the theater?
d) They are going to the theater?
e) NDA
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
11) a)
12) d)
13) d)
14) a)
15) a)
12) d)
13) d)
14) a)
15) a)
Obgd , mais vc erro a primeira o certo é 11)c , mais msm assim obgd
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