Inglês, perguntado por lariiiihh, 1 ano atrás

amores me ajudem por favor!!!!
complete as frases e em seguida faça a tag question:
a) home yesterday
c)The weather yesterday.....very good
d)We........very good students
e) school
f) the magazine yesterday
g)Trank and today
abraço,me ajudem ai vai '-'

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por GabrieelRibeiro
Usa-se o passado do verbo to be
Was - I,He,She,it
Were - You,We,You,They

a)was, fim da frase wasn't he?
b)were, fim da frase weren't they?
c)was, fim da frase wasn't it?
d)were, fim da frase weren't we?
e)were, fim da frase weren't we?
f)was, fim da frase wasn't i?
g)were, fim da frase weren't they?

Respondido por MuriloDixon
bom! quando falamos em Tag question. é a mesma coisa que Enfatizar a frase. por exemplo:
Eu sou alto, nao sou? nesse caso iremos trocar conforme pede-se nas frases.
A) Paul was at home yesterday, wasn't he?
B) They are students, aren't they?
C) The weather yesterday was very good, wasn't it?
D) We are very good students, aren't we?
E) We are in school, aren't we?
F) I was at the magazine yesterday, Wasn't I?
G) Trank and paul were here today, Weren't they?

MuriloDixon: espero ter ajudado!
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