Inglês, perguntado por suelypereiraamorim, 4 meses atrás

Amazing animals!
A bat has wings and it can fly. The bat sleeps in the day and it flies at night. It can see at night. It can hear very
well, too
A dolphin can swim and it can jump. It can hear with its ears and it can hear with its mouth, too! A dolphin plays
lots of games.
An elephant is a very big animal. It can hear with its ears and it can hear with its nose, too! It can swim and it
can run very fast. But it can't jump.
1. Leia e marque verdadeiro ou falso (true or false).
a) The bat has wings.
b) It flies in the day
c) The dolphin can jump.
d) It doesn't play games.
e) The elephant can hear with its mouth.
f) It is a very big animal.
2. Complete com os nomes dos animais: bat, dolphin ou elephant.
a) The
b) The
c) The
d) The
e) The
f) The
can hear with its nose
plays lots of games.
sleeps in the day.
can run very fast.
flies at night.
can hear with its mouth
3. Leia as perguntas e responda com Yes, it can ou No, it can't
a) Can the bat sce at night?
b) Can the dolphin fly?
c) Can the elephant jump?
d) Can the bat hear very well?
e) Can the elephants swim?
1) Can the dolphin run?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por em301273


1. Leia e marque verdadeiro ou falso (true or false).

a) The bat has wings. true

b) It flies in the day false

c) The dolphin can jump.true

d) It doesn't play games. true

e) The elephant can hear with its mouth. false

f) It is a very big animal. true

2. Complete com os nomes dos animais: bat, dolphin ou elephant.

a) The elephant can hear with its nose

b) The dolphin plays lots of games

c) The bat sleeps in the day.

d) The elephant can run very fast.

e) The bat flies at night

f) The dolphin can hear with its mouth

3. Leia as perguntas e responda com Yes, it can ou No, it can't

a) Can the bat see at night? Yes, it can


b) Can the dolphin fly? No, it can't

c) Can the elephant jump? No, it can't

d) Can the bat hear very well? Yes, it can

e) Can the elephants swim? Yes, it can

1) Can the dolphin run? No, it can't

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