Inglês, perguntado por eduarda19031, 11 meses atrás

Almost everyone has a wish, but not many people make their wishes come true. Once in ancient China a man had a strange wish, “I want to see the difference between heaven and hell before I die”. He used to say.

Then one day his wish came true. When he was visiting hell, he saw tables full of delicious food, but everyone was hungry and angry. They had food, but had to sit far from the table because they were forced to use very long chopsticks. It was impossible to put any food into the mouth.

When the man was visiting heaven, he was very surprised. Everything looked the same: big tables full of delicious food, people sitting far from the table, and using very long chopsticks to eat. It was exactly like hell, but in heaven the people were well fed and happy.

Do you know why? In heaven they were feeding one another. Quero a tradução

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Respondido por jaehyung
quase todo mundo tem um pedido, mas nem todas as pessoas realizam seus pedidos.Uma vez na China antiga, um homem tinha um estranho desejo: "Quero ver a diferença entre o céu e o inferno antes de eu morrer". Eu costumava dizer 
(só consegui traduzir esse primeiro parágrafo, sorry)
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