Inglês, perguntado por sp1029384756, 3 meses atrás

Aline is afraid to leave her car alone probably because:

Is there a gas station near here?
Walter is driving back home in the evening He sees a young lady coming out of a car in the middle of an empty road.
She is probably having trouble with her car
Walter Excuse me. I'm Walter Dalton
Aline Hi! I'm Aline.
Walter Do you have any problem with your car?
Aline Well Yes I have a flat tire Take a look, please!
Walter Hmmm
Aline Is there a gas station near here?
Walter No, but there's a mechanic three blocks away from here.
Aline Maybe he's not working now, and I'm afraid to leave my things back in the car
Walter There's nothing to be afraid of Do you have a spare tire and a jack?
Aline Sure, but...
Walter No buts. I can work it out for you
Aline Oh, it's very kind of you! Thanks so much!
Walter Don't mention it!
to come out sair
middle meio
flat tire pneu furado
gas station posto de gasolina
spare tire pneu sobressalente
jack macaco (ferramenta)
to work out resolver solucionar
mechanic's oficina mecânica
characters personagens
Both ambos
thieves, ladrões
holiday fenado
A) there are thieves around.
B) the mechanic's is far from where she is.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Thuthu321


A) B

B) B

C) B

D) A

E) A


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