Algum nerd ou algum especialista em inglês para me ajudar a passar esse texto para o inglês?
Em um dia qualquer, resolvi caçar em um bosque desconhecido e, para minha surpresa, acabei encontrando um ser pequeno de roupas verdes, media uns 30 a 50 cm de altura, era sorridente, e, aparentemente, distraído. Resolvi saber quem ou o que era aquele ser, mas como percebi que ele andava meio preocupado com quem iria aparecer, tive que capturá-lo. Peguei um cipó caído no chão e o amarrei.
- Ei, humano! Me solte! – disse o serzinho.
- Antes me diga quem ou o que é você! – o agarrei com bastante força. Ele podia ser pequeno, mas era um tanto forte.
- Sou o Leprechaun. Sou um guardião e conhecedor de localização de vários tesouros escondidos. – me interessei a partir do momento em que ele disse “tesouros”.
- Então, Leprechaun, o que são exatamente esses... tesouros?
- Ouro, meu amigo!
- Então, como posso obtê-los?
- Nunca poderá obtê-los!
- Eu vou obtê-los sim, você vai me dar tudo! Se não for por vontade própria, vai ser à força!
- Acalme-se, meu amigo. Posso apostar com você. Vamos fazer assim: vou ficar com você por um dia inteiro, e, se você não me perder de vista e se eu não conseguir aprontar uma de minhas brincadeirinhas, você leva todo o meu ouro. Mas, caso contrário, você me dá tudo que tem... até esse seu cordão de ouro.
- Tá bom, pequenino, aceito apostar com você. Sei que vou ganhar!
- Haha! Vamos ver, humano! Aliás, me deixa nervoso chamá-lo de humano toda hora. Qual é o seu nome?
- Meu nome é Hank.
Pus o ser amarrado com o cipó em suas costas e parti para minha cabana.
Chegando lá, o pus em uma espécie de jaula pequenina trancada por um cadeado de ferro e fui comer algo pois estava faminto. Me distraí por meio segundo e quando me dei conta, Leprechaun estava quase abrindo o cadeado com um grampo que ele havia encontrado em algum lugar. Corri para impedi-lo, peguei o grampinho da mão dele e obtive sucesso, o danado ficou bufando de tanta raiva.
Pensamento do Leprechaun: “Hmm... Esse caçador está bem atento, preciso ser mais ágil que ele! Vou pensar em algo para distraí-lo, e rápido!”
- Ei, Hank! Ouvi dizer que a temporada de caça está quase acabando, você não vai...
- Você não vai me distrair, Leprechaun!
- Puxa vida... – ele murmurou baixo.
- Ei, Leprechaun, vou tomar um banho no lago e já volto. Vê se não apronta nada!
Pensamento do Leprechaun: “É agora!”
(ele está inacabado, quem puder, depois passo o resto no privado para transformar o resto!)
Obs.: NÃO aceito que peguem do Google Tradutor, ele não traduz certo.
Soluções para a tarefa
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It was a normal day when I decided to go hunting in unknown woods, for my surprise, I ended up finding a little creature wearing green clothes, he was about 30 to 50 centimeters, he was smiling, and apparently, distracted. I decided to know who and what that creature was, but as I noticed he looked a little worried about who was going to show up, I had to capture him. I grabbed a liana that I found on the floor and tied him up.
- Hey, human! Let me go! - I heard him saying
- I will if you tell me who or what you are - I grabbed him with all my strength. He could be small, but he was really strong.
- I'm a Leprechaum. I'm the guardian and expert of localization of many hidden treasures. - I got interested from the moment he said "treasure"
- Moving on, Leprechaum, what are exactly these... treasures?
- Gold, my friend!
- How can I get to them?
- You will NEVER get to them
- Of course I will get to them, you will give me everything I want! If not for will, it's gonna be by force!
- Calm down, my friend. We can make a bet. Here's what we can do: I'm staying with you for an entire da, and, if you don't lose me from your sight and I'm not be able to do one of my pranks on you, you take all my gold. But, otherwise, you give me everything you have... even that little gold string.
- Fine, little guy, I'll take the bet. I know I'm going to win!
- Haha! Let's see about that, human! Besides, you make me nervous of calling you human all the time. What is your name?
- My name is Hank.
I tied the creature up with the lianas and went back to my house.
When I got there I put him in a little cage locked by a iron lock and I left to eta something because I was starving. I got distracted for half a second and when I noticed, Leprechaum was almost opening the lock with a clip that he had found somewhere. I ran up to him to try and stop him, got the clip out of his hand and succeeded, the little bastard was angry as hell.
Leprechaum fast thinking: "Hmm... this hunter is really alert, I need to be faster than him! I'm gonna think of something to distract him, and fast!"
- Hey Hank! I heard that the hunting season is almost over, aren't you going to...
- You're not going to distract me, Leprechaum!
- Oh man...- he murmured.
- Hey Leprechaum, I'm going to take a shower in the lake and be right back. Try not to mess up anything!
Leprechaun's thinking: "Now or never"
- Hey, human! Let me go! - I heard him saying
- I will if you tell me who or what you are - I grabbed him with all my strength. He could be small, but he was really strong.
- I'm a Leprechaum. I'm the guardian and expert of localization of many hidden treasures. - I got interested from the moment he said "treasure"
- Moving on, Leprechaum, what are exactly these... treasures?
- Gold, my friend!
- How can I get to them?
- You will NEVER get to them
- Of course I will get to them, you will give me everything I want! If not for will, it's gonna be by force!
- Calm down, my friend. We can make a bet. Here's what we can do: I'm staying with you for an entire da, and, if you don't lose me from your sight and I'm not be able to do one of my pranks on you, you take all my gold. But, otherwise, you give me everything you have... even that little gold string.
- Fine, little guy, I'll take the bet. I know I'm going to win!
- Haha! Let's see about that, human! Besides, you make me nervous of calling you human all the time. What is your name?
- My name is Hank.
I tied the creature up with the lianas and went back to my house.
When I got there I put him in a little cage locked by a iron lock and I left to eta something because I was starving. I got distracted for half a second and when I noticed, Leprechaum was almost opening the lock with a clip that he had found somewhere. I ran up to him to try and stop him, got the clip out of his hand and succeeded, the little bastard was angry as hell.
Leprechaum fast thinking: "Hmm... this hunter is really alert, I need to be faster than him! I'm gonna think of something to distract him, and fast!"
- Hey Hank! I heard that the hunting season is almost over, aren't you going to...
- You're not going to distract me, Leprechaum!
- Oh man...- he murmured.
- Hey Leprechaum, I'm going to take a shower in the lake and be right back. Try not to mess up anything!
Leprechaun's thinking: "Now or never"
ei, quando isso acontecer dnv vai no google tradutor, é bem mais facil
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