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No filme beyond borders, Angelina Jolie faz o papel de Sarah Jordan, uma socialite americana que se casa com um inglês. Em um jantar, ela conhece Nick Callahan Clive Owen, um médico que invade o evento ao lado de um garoto africano que mora na aldeia na qual trabalha como voluntário. Ele está no jantar a fim de alertar em relação à péssima condição da Etiópia e denunciar a falta de atenção que eles recebem. Portanto, ninguém melhor para acompanhá-lo do que o menino negro, pequeno e sujo. Mas a única atenção que ele consegue é a de Sarah que, impressionada com o rompante de Nick, resolve juntar todas as suas economias e levar pessoalmente caminhões de mantimentos e vacinas ao país africano, que não duram mais do que quatro dias. O que ela vê lá não é nada bonito e é aí que o filme começa a tocar o espectador. Pessoas apodrecendo vivas, literalmente, são cobertas de moscas enquanto torram sobre o sol quente. O governo negligenciando ajuda ao grupo de Nick, enquanto que os voluntários fazem o que podem para perder menos do que 40 pessoas ao dia.
O médico, não recebe a socialite muito bem. Afinal, para ele, suas intenções não são muito verdadeiras, ele não confia nela que, em dois dias, vai embora para Londres. Quando o filme dá um salto de alguns anos, vemos que as riquezas da família de Sarah se foram, mas sua vontade de ajudar países "menos favorecidos" não. Ela trabalha com voluntários que estão nos cantos mais longes e miseráveis do mundo, também como uma forma de continuar sabendo do paradeiro de Nick, a quem ela nunca mais esqueceu e provar que suas intenções na África eram verdadeiras.
enquanto Nick luta para que seu grupo de voluntários continue recebendo ajuda enquanto viaja o mundo para ajudar aldeias isoladas e desoladas por doenças, ameaçadas pela violência dos governantes locais e pela miséria, Sarah luta para que seu amor pelo médico seja consumado. Sem deixar de fazer o bem, assim como Nick.
Beyond borders é um drama épicoO drama não é pelos desencontros que acontecem entre o casal ao longo da película, mas sim pela situação dos lugares onde se passa.
As ações do filme se passam na Etiópia, Camboja e Chechenia.
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Tradução Correta para inglês:
In the film beyond borders, Angelina Jolie plays the role of Sarah Jordan, an American socialite who marries an Englishman. At a dinner party, she meets Nick Callahan Clive Owen, a doctor who invades the event alongside an African boy who lives in the village where he volunteers. He is at dinner to warn of the terrible condition of Ethiopia and denounce the lack of attention they receive. Therefore, no one better to accompany you than the little black boy, dirty and dirty. But the only attention he gets is that Sarah, impressed by Nick's break-up, decides to bring all her savings together and personally bring trucks of supplies and vaccines to the African country, which last no more than four days. What she sees there is not at all pretty and that's where the movie begins to touch the viewer. Living rotting people are literally covered in flies as they roast the hot sun. The neglecting government helps Nick's group, while volunteers do what they can to lose less than 40 people a day.
The doctor does not receive the socialite very well. After all, for him, his intentions are not very true, he does not trust her to go to London in two days. When the film takes a leap of a few years, we see that the wealth of Sarah's family is gone, but their willingness to help "less favored" countries does not. She works with volunteers who are in the world's most miserable corners, as well as a way of continuing to learn of Nick's whereabouts, whom she has never forgotten and proved that her intentions in Africa were true.
while Nick struggles for his volunteer group to continue to receive help as he travels the world to help isolated, disease-ridden villages threatened by the violence of local rulers and misery, Sarah struggles for her love of the doctor to be consummated. Without ceasing to do good, just like Nick.
Beyond borders is an epic drama. The drama is not about the mismatches that take place between the couple over the course of the film, but about the situation of the places where it happens.
The film's actions take place in Ethiopia, Cambodia and Chechnya.
In the film beyond borders, Angelina Jolie plays the role of Sarah Jordan, an American socialite who marries an Englishman. At a dinner party, she meets Nick Callahan Clive Owen, a doctor who invades the event alongside an African boy who lives in the village where he volunteers. He is at dinner to warn of the terrible condition of Ethiopia and denounce the lack of attention they receive. Therefore, no one better to accompany you than the little black boy, dirty and dirty. But the only attention he gets is that Sarah, impressed by Nick's break-up, decides to bring all her savings together and personally bring trucks of supplies and vaccines to the African country, which last no more than four days. What she sees there is not at all pretty and that's where the movie begins to touch the viewer. Living rotting people are literally covered in flies as they roast the hot sun. The neglecting government helps Nick's group, while volunteers do what they can to lose less than 40 people a day.
The doctor does not receive the socialite very well. After all, for him, his intentions are not very true, he does not trust her to go to London in two days. When the film takes a leap of a few years, we see that the wealth of Sarah's family is gone, but their willingness to help "less favored" countries does not. She works with volunteers who are in the world's most miserable corners, as well as a way of continuing to learn of Nick's whereabouts, whom she has never forgotten and proved that her intentions in Africa were true.
while Nick struggles for his volunteer group to continue to receive help as he travels the world to help isolated, disease-ridden villages threatened by the violence of local rulers and misery, Sarah struggles for her love of the doctor to be consummated. Without ceasing to do good, just like Nick.
Beyond borders is an epic drama. The drama is not about the mismatches that take place between the couple over the course of the film, but about the situation of the places where it happens.
The film's actions take place in Ethiopia, Cambodia and Chechnya.
very good you is the face
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