Alguém traduz este texto pra mim para o inglês não pode ser do google tradutor:O Teatro Elisabetano
O Teatro Elisabetano corresponde ao tetro produzido durante o reinado de Elisabeth I da Inglaterra, de 1558 a 1603, tendo como seu grande expoente William Shakespeare. A influência renascentista vinda do continente trouxe as referências da cultura grega, do humanismo e do cientificismo e a autonomia da Inglaterra perante o continente e a Igreja foram definitivas para o nascimento desse movimento teatral tão importante para a cultura ocidental.
No entanto, a influência e o fascínio vindos da Itália não criaram uma cena caracterizada pela reprodução desse modelo, muito pelo contrário. A capacidade de síntese dessas influências - junto à percepção de que o público inglês se interessaria mais pelos assuntos próprios de sua história – fizeram do teatro elisabetano um estilo original de fazer dramaturgia.
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The Elizabethan Theater
The Elizabethan Theater corresponds to the tetro produced during the reign of Elisabeth I of England, from 1558 to 1603, having as its great exponent William Shakespeare. The Renaissance influence from the continent brought the references of Greek culture, humanism and scientism, and the autonomy of England before the continent and the Church were definitive for the birth of this theater movement so important to Western culture.
However, the influence and the fascination coming from Italy did not create a scene characterized by the reproduction of this model, quite the contrary. The ability to synthesize these influences - together with the perception that the English public would be more interested in the subjects of their own history - made Elizabethan theater an original style of dramaturgy.
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The Elizabethan TheaterThe Elizabethan Theater corresponds to the tetro produced during the reign of Elisabeth I of England, from 1558 to 1603, having as its great exponent William Shakespeare. The Renaissance influence from the continent brought the references of Greek culture, humanism and scientism, and the autonomy of England before the continent and the Church were definitive for the birth of this theater movement so important to Western culture.However, the influence and the fascination coming from Italy did not create a scene characterized by the reproduction of this model, quite the contrary. The ability to synthesize these influences - together with the perception that the English public would be more interested in the subjects of their own history - made Elizabethan theater an original style of dramaturgy.
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