Inglês, perguntado por Viih135s, 9 meses atrás

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O Halloween, chamado de Dia das Bruxas no Brasil, é uma festa com temas sombrios e comemorada anualmente em 31 de outubro.

Origem do Halloween

A origem da festa do Halloween possui uma grande trajetória, visto ser praticada há mais de 3 mil anos.

Ela surgiu com os celtas, povo que era politeísta e acreditava em diversos deuses relacionados com os animais e as forças da natureza.
Os celtas celebravam o festival de Samhain, o qual tinha a duração de 3 dias, com início no dia 31 de outubro. Nela, além de se comemorar o fim do verão, comemorava-se a passagem do ano celta, que tinha início no dia 1 de novembro.

Acreditava-se que nesse dia os mortos se levantavam e se apoderavam dos corpos dos vivos. Por esse motivo, eram usadas fantasias e a festa era repleta de artefatos sombrios com o intuito principal de se defenderem desses maus espíritos.

Mais tarde, durante a Idade Média, a Igreja começou a condenar o evento, e daí surgiu o nome “Dia das Bruxas”.

Durante o Medievo, os curandeiros eram considerados bruxos e por se posicionarem contra os dogmas da Igreja, eles eram queimados na fogueira.

Assim, na tentativa de afastar o caráter pagão da festa, a igreja promoveu alterações no calendário, de modo que o Dia de Todos os Santos passou a ser comemorado no dia 1 de novembro, o que antes acontecia no dia 13 de maio.

Daí que o nome Halloween decorra da junção das palavras hallow, que significa "santo", e eve, que significa "véspera".

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por hevelynduarte
Halloween, called Halloween in Brazil, is a dark-themed party celebrated annually on October 31st. Halloween Origin The origin of the Halloween party has a great trajectory, as it has been practiced for over 3,000 years. She arose with the Celts, people who were polytheistic and believed in various animal-related gods and the forces of nature. The Celts celebrated the 3-day Samhain festival, beginning October 31st. In addition to celebrating the end of summer, it celebrated the passage of the Celtic year, which began on November 1st. It was believed that on this day the dead rose and took possession of the bodies of the living. For this reason, costumes were worn and the party was full of dark artifacts intended primarily to fend off these evil spirits. Later, during the Middle Ages, the Church began to condemn the event, and hence came the name "Halloween." During the Medieval times, healers were considered witches and because they stood against Church dogmas, they were burned at the stake. Thus, in an attempt to dispel the pagan character of the feast, the church made changes to the calendar so that All Saints' Day was celebrated on November 1, which was previously May 13. Hence the name Halloween comes from the junction of the words hallow, which means "saint," and eve, which means "eve."
Respondido por emillinormacunha2805


Halloween, called Halloween in Brazil, is a dark-themed party celebrated annually on October 31st.

Halloween Origin

The origin of the Halloween party has a great trajectory, as it has been practiced for over 3,000 years.

She arose with the Celts, people who were polytheistic and believed in various animal-related gods and the forces of nature.

The Celts celebrated the 3-day Samhain festival, beginning October 31st. In addition to celebrating the end of summer, it celebrated the passage of the Celtic year, which began on November 1st.

It was believed that on this day the dead rose and took possession of the bodies of the living. For this reason, costumes were worn and the party was full of dark artifacts intended primarily to fend off these evil spirits.

Later, during the Middle Ages, the Church began to condemn the event, and hence came the name "Halloween."

During the Medieval times, healers were considered witches and because they stood against Church dogmas, they were burned at the stake.

Thus, in an attempt to dispel the pagan character of the feast, the church made changes to the calendar so that All Saints' Day was celebrated on November 1, which was previously May 13.

Hence the name Halloween comes from the junction of the words hallow, which means "saint," and eve, which means "eve."


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