Alguém sabe me dizer ?
Soluções para a tarefa
1. is
2. they are not home tonight.
are they home tonight?
she is not a good dentist.
is she a good dentist?
he is not a good driver.
is he a good driver?
you are not a very good student.
are you a very good student?
3. casa doutor
estudante irmã
motorista em
professor família
prima esta noite
hoje de manhã
girafas sozinho
1) Complete as frases a seguir com o verbo to be (Am , are, is)
A) He IS my brother.
B)They ARE students.
C)I AM a student.
D)Mary and I ARE cousins
E)Susan is a good friend.
F)Giraffes ARE very tall.
G)You and your family ARE kind.
H)We ARE 10 10 years old
2-Passe as frases a seguir para as formas negativa e interrogativa.
A)They are home tonight
N: They are not home tonight
I: Are They home tonight ?
B)She is a good dentist
N: She is not a good dentist
I: is she good dentist ?
C)He is a good driver
N:He is not a good driver
I:Is he a good driver?
D)You are very good student
N:You are not very good student
I:Are you very good student ?
3-Vocabulary- Traduzir
Home Casa
Student Aluno(a)
Driver Motorista
Teacher Professor(a)
Cousin Primo
Today Hoje
Giraffe Girafa
Brother Irmão
Doctor Doutor/Medico Depende
Sister irmã
At em
Family família
Tonight esta noite
In the morning De manhã
Alone Sozinho