alguém responde pls?

Soluções para a tarefa
1. You will earn a lot of money.
1. Você ganhará muito dinheiro.
2. You will travel around the world.
2. Você viajará ao redor do mundo.
3. You will meet lots of interesting people.
3. Você conhecerá muitas pessoas interessantes.
4. Everybody will adore you.
4. Todo mundo adorará você.
5. You will not have any problems.
5. Você não terá nenhum problema.
6. They will anticipate your wishes.
6. Eles anteciparão seus desejos.
Tom will have two children in the future.
Tom terá duas crianças no futuro .
David won't walk to work
David não caminhará para o trabalho .
Peter and Samantha will get married next year.
Peter e Samantha vão casar no próximo ano.
They will live in a house when they get married.
Eles vão morar em uma casa quando se casarem.
A. She is going to clean my bedroom tomorrow.
Interrogativa: Is she going to clean my bedroom tomorrow?
Negativa: She is not going to clean my bedroom tomorrow.
B. I am going to visit my grandmother next vocation.
Interrogativa: Am I going to visit my grandmother next vocation?
Negativa: I am not going to visit my grandmother next vocation.
a) Martha works a lot during the week. She goes to work at 7:00 a.m. She works until 5:30 p.m. In the evening, she studies Computer Programming.
b) This weekend Martha is going to travel. She is going to visit her mother in Jundiai. Martha is very happy. She likes to go to Jundiai.
c) On Saturday she is going to have lunch with her family and on Sunday she is going to meet her friends in the park, but on Sunday evening she has to come back to São Paulo. Her homework is waiting for her.