Inglês, perguntado por ninaveia, 8 meses atrás



1. Sublinhe a opção correta que está em negrito e escreva uma frase afirmativa com a palavra que está entre

parênteses (no presente contínuo).


We isn't/aren't having breakfast. (lunch)

(We are having lunch.)

a) She isn't/ aren't playing tennis. (netball)

b) You isn't/ aren't going to the beach. (park)

c) He isn't/ aren't doing his homework. (reading)

d) I'm not/ I's not watching TV. (listening to music)

e) They isn't / aren't wearing shoes. (socks)

f) The dog isn't/ aren't drinking water. (milk)

g) Frank and Carla isn't/ aren't eating the chicken. (rice)

h) Emily isn't/aren't reading that book. (sleeping)

2. Escreva frases negativas no presente contínuo.

a) They / not talk Model: They are not talking.

b) She / not drink fruit juice

c) I / not have dinner

d) you / not wear a jacket

e) He / not play the piano

f) Mary and Julia / not get up

g) Theo and I / not sit in the garden

h) It / not rain

g) You / not make dinner

3. Transforme as frases do exercício 2 (suas respostas) em frases interrogativas:​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por joanabenetti15


1. a) She isn't playing tennis.

She is playing netball.

b) You aren't going to the beach.

You're going to the mall

c) He isn't doing his homework.

He is reading.

d) I'm not watching TV.

I'm listening ti music.

e) They aren't wearing shoes.

They are wearing socks.

f) The dog isn't drinking water.

The dog is drinking milk.

g) Frank and Clara aren't eating the chicken.

Frank and Clara are eating the rice.

h) Emily isn't reading that book.

Emily is sleeping.

2. b) She's not drinking juice.

c) I'm not having dinner.

d) You're not wearing a jacket.

e) He's not playing the piano.

f) Mary and Julia are not getting up.

g) Theo and I are not sitting in the garden.

h) It's not raining.

i) You're not making dinner.

3. Is she drinking juice?

Am having dinner?

Are you wearing a jacket?

Is he playing the piano?

Are Mary and Julia getting up?

Are Theo and I sitting in the garden?

Is it raining?

Are you making dinner?

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