Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 8 meses atrás

alguem quer me ajudar na minha tarefa de ingles?
1. Construa frases no Simple Past, com o sujeito indicado e de acordo com as orientações entre parênteses:
We ( to travel / that weekend / negative)
We did not travel that weekend.

a. I ( to study / yestedey / affirmative)

b. She ( to work / at the hospital / negative)

c. You ( to live / in Posse / interrogative)

d. He ( to play / basketball / last year / affirmative)

e. They ( to read / this book / negative)

CremildaBR: poste sua duvida. ;)
CremildaBR: ok. 15 minutos EU fico online e te ajudo
CremildaBR: ok. ja estou te ajudando na sua outra postagem

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Lukinha986532


a) i studied yesterday

b) she did not/didn't work at the hospital

c) did you live in posse?

d) he played basketball last year

e) they did not/didn't read this book

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