alguém que manja dos inglês me ajuda ai

Soluções para a tarefa
Olá, Guilherme!
Primeiramente você deve saber que o "Present Continuous" é usado para Indica uma ação que está em andamento no momento da fala ou no momento atual.
Sabendo dessa informações, vamos para as atividades.
Regras do Present Continuous.
1- The teacher is not closing the door.
2- Are you doing the washing-up?
3- They are checking the printers.
4- Is your
grandmother looking at birds?
5- We are not passing the checkpoint.
6- Are they trying to help
7- She is not walking to the centre of the town
8- Are the policemen running into the bank?
9- Look! Steve's mother is making a Frappuccino.
10- You are not linking the words correctly.
1 - Qual alternativa está incorreta?
a) I am being evil with my son.
b) Do I being evil with your son?
c) Am I being evil with my son?
d) I am not being evil with my son.
R= Alternativa B. "Do" é auxiliar do Simple Present e não do Present Continuous.
2 - Preencha as lacunas das frases abaixo com verbo "to play" no present continuous.
a) She is playing video games.
b) You are playing the piano.
c) I am playing football.
d) We are playing the guitar.
e) It is playing ball.
f) They are playing basketball.
g) You are playing golf.
h) He is playing rugby.
3 - Identifique nos trechos das canções abaixo os verbos que estão no Present Continuous Tense:
a) "We're all just looking for connection
Yeah, we all want to be seen
I'm looking for someone who speaks my language
Someone to ride this ride with me... "
(Kate Perry - Witness)
b) "You're giving me a million reasons to let you go
You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show
You're givin' me a million reasons..."
(Kat Dahlia - I Think I'm In Love Again)
c) "We're running out of time
Chasing our lies
Everyday a small piece of you dies
Always somebody..."
(Selena Gomez - Kill 'em With Kindness)
d)"My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind..."
(John Legend - All of Me)
R= a) I'm looking.
b) You're giving, you're givin'.
c) We're running.Chasing
d) I'm breathing.
Espero ter ajudado. Bons estudos!!!