Alguém por favor?ainda não entendi

Soluções para a tarefa
Boa tarde!
O Past Perfect funciona assim:
Had + Past Participle do Verbo Principal
Ficou confuso? Calma que eu explico!
Se você tiver o verbo be, por exemplo, como ele vai ficar ali?
Had Been
E o verbo see?
Had Seen
Mas olha, você tem que estudar os verbos no Past Participle antes de ir pro Past Perfect, fica mais fácil.
Agora vamos as respostas:
a) Had washed
b) Has watched
c) Had painted
d) Had cleaned
e) Had called
2) N = I dressed after I hadn't washed
I = Had I dressed after I washed?
N = They hadn't watched a good film...
I = Had they watched a good film...
N = He hadn't painted the house...
I = Had he painted the house...
N = They hadn't cleaned the room...
I = Had they cleaned the room...
N = When I hadn't called her...
I = Had I called her...
Espero ter ajudado!