Inglês, perguntado por alicealmeida287, 11 meses atrás

Alguem poderia me ajudar , por favor?

filme Rio 3D, uma animação computadorizada, é mais uma obra de arte do condecorado diretor e produtor Carlos Saldanha. Para quem não sabe, Carlos Saldanha é o criador da trilogia "A era do Gelo".
In Rio de Janeiro, baby blue macaw, Blu, is captured by dealers and smuggled to the USA. While driving through Moose Lake, Minnesota, the truck that is transporting Blu accidentally drops Blu's box on the road. A girl, Linda, finds the bird and raises him with love. Fifteen years later, Blu is a domesticated and intelligent bird that does not fly and lives a comfortable life with bookshop owner Linda. Out of the blue, clumsy Brazilian ornithologist, Tulio, visits Linda and explains that Blu is the last male of his species, and he has a female called Jewel in Rio de Janeiro. He invites Linda to bring Blu to Rio so that he and Jewel can save their species. Linda travels with Blu and Tulio to Rio de Janeiro and they leave Blu and Jewel in a large cage in the institute where Tulio works. While they are having dinner, smugglers break into the institute and steal Blu and Jewel to sell them. Linda and Tulio look everywhere for Blu, who is chained to Jewel and hidden in a slum. Meanwhile, Jewel and Blu escape f rom their captors and befriend a group of birds that help them to get rid of the chains. It is Carnival and the smugglers and mean cockatoo, Nigel, do not intend to give up Blu and Jewel, and chase the birds through the crowded streets.
(Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Questão 2 - Retire do texto, em inglês mesmo, uma oração na forma negativa.

R :
Questão 3 - A quem corresponde o pronome he em "He invites Linda to bring Blu to Rio"? __________
Questão 4- A quem corresponde o pronome they na frase "While they are having dinner" ? ___________

Questão 4 - Relacione a segunda coluna de acordo com a primeira:
(a) Moose Lake
(b) Blu, Jewel, Nigel
(c) Linda
(d) Túlio
(e) Rio
( ) birds
( ) name of the film
( ) city in the USA where Blu lived
( ) Brazilian scientist who studies birds
( ) Blu's American best friend

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por anavaleria9702


2) "It is Carnival and the smugglers and a mean cockatoo, Nigel, do not intend to give up Blu and Jewel".

3) Tulio

4) Tulio and Linda

5) a) Moose Lake = city in the USA where Blu lived

b) Blu, Jewel, Nigel = birds

(c) Linda  = Blu's American best friend

(d) Túlio  = Brazilian scientist who studies birds

(e) Rio = name of the film

jopassos35: uou omg!!!!!!!!
alicealmeida287: Muito obrigada! Você me salvou de verdade valeu!!!
jopassos35: ela é otima ein
alicealmeida287: Realmente , tive sorte em ela ter visto isso a tempo ahahahaha
jopassos35: é né, pq senão vc taria perdida ahahahahhaahaha
Respondido por CSF0876
2- Nigel do not intend to give up Blu and Jewel, and chase the birds through the crowded streets.

3- Tulio, the ornithologist

4-A Tulio and Linda

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