alguém pode responder pfvr pra hj

Soluções para a tarefa
para fazer a afirmativa
aonde tiver a/an vc coloca there is pq está no singular
e o resto coloca there are pq está no plural/mais de um
para fazer a negativa coloca o not se quiser resumir usa there aren't ou there isn't
Espero ter ajudado
There isnt a bus on the street
Are there two students in class?
There isnt a little boy in the room
There arent three flights a day to Milan
There arent shops near my apartment
Is there a car outside?
There arent many people waiting for you
Is there a table in the room?
There isnt an elephant in the zoom
Are there four dogs in her house?
There isnt an excellent teacher in school
Are there lots of problems in Africa?
There isnt a beautiful picture on the wall
Is there a car parking outside?
Are there four children playing in the house?
Só se usa "there is" na forma do singular, ja "there are" se usa no plural, e por ultimo so coloquei em forma interrogativa e negativa nas frases que nem pedido na questao!! espero ter ajudado<3