Inglês, perguntado por Henrique689652, 10 meses atrás

Alguém pode me ajudar por favor?
É para amanhã!:)


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por miguelm94


1. Complete the phrases with the words in the box. Complete as frases com as palavras da caixa.

1. Practice the piano

2. Go home

3. Do homework

4. Watch TV

5. Use the internet

6. eat breakfast

7. Listen to music

8. Live in an apartment

2. Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Circule as palavras corretas para completar as sentenças.

1. Do you (get / stay) up early.

2. I hang out with my friends (to / at) the mall.

3. Bart plays in a (band / piano)

4. I (use / talk) on the phone everyday.

5. Jennifer doesn't go to the (DVDs / movies)

6. Bill (stays / lives) home on Saturday night.

7. I like to play video (lessons / games)

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. Complete as sentenças com a forma correta dos verbos.

1. I eat (eat) lunch at noon.

2. Liz practices (practice) the piano every day.

3. My brother lives (live) in New York.

4. My mother teaches (teach) math.

5. I go (go) to school at 8:00 a.m. every day.

6. Jake goes (go) to the beach on Saturday.

7. My sister watches (watch) TV a lot.

8. Does your neighbor have (have) any dogs?

9. Lucy does (do) her homework in the library.

10. Sarah plays (play) on the school basketball team.

11. Do you like (like) jazz?

12. My best friend collects (collect) very old stamps.

4. Write negative sentences. Escreva sentenças negativas.

1. I collect stamps.

(trading cards) He doesn't collect trading cards.

2. Maria stays home on Saturday.

(Sunday) She doesn't stay home on Sunday.

3. John goes to bed early.

(late) He doesn't go to bed late

4. I eat out with my family.

(my friends) He doesn't eat out with his friends.

5. Rachel has two sisters.

(a brother) She doesn't have a brother.

6. Gina plays soccer on the weekend.

(every day) She doesn't play soccer every day.

5. Read about Jim and his brother. Leia sobre Jim e seu irmão. Depois marque o nome de quem pratica cada ação.

1. plays the guitar (Terry)

2. collects stamps (Jim)

3. is athletic (Terry)

4. hangs out at the mall (Jim)

5. plays video games (Jim)

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