Inglês, perguntado por maicomm386, 1 ano atrás

Alguém pode me ajudar por favor


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Anasoares100


2- Bethlehem is a small town.

3- Town of Bethlehem is Palestine.

4- Christmas is Jesus's birthday.

5- Yes, he was a commom person.

6- On December 25 th.

7- Yes, many people followed him.

8- Yes, Jesus is important to the history, because we divided the history in two parts before Christ and after Christ.

9- Jesus Christ taught, Love God above all things, love your fellow men as you do yourself, you must forgive your enemies and the truth will set your free.

10- Jesus Christ came to the earth to preach peace and love among men.

millions of people followed his teachings all over the word.

da 2 a 9 são respostas de perguntas e a 10 era de completar frase e ai esta completa com as palavras que faltavam

espero ter ajudado...

maicomm386: muito obrigada moça tenha um ótimo final de semana
Anasoares100: magina, bom final de semana pra tu também
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