Alguém pode me ajudar nessas questões de inglês?

Soluções para a tarefa
1) b - They
2) d - Our
3) d - Their
4) b - Who - Whose
5) a - There is
6) d - There's (There is)
7) c - How old
8) d - Who
9) d - Where
10) a - How
B) Sidewalk - Parking lot - Parkas - Clothing - Across - By - Vanilla - Chocolate Cake - Woman - Adorable
a) Adorable
b) Vanilla
c) Chocolate
d) Woman
e) Sidewalk
f) Parking lot
g) Across
h) By
i) Parkas
j) Clothing
a) How is your family?
b) Their sons are adorable!
c) Whose coat is this?
d) Are you and Bill friends? Yes, we are.
e) There is (Ou There's) chocolate in the kitchen
a) Yes, there's one pretty near here
Yes, there's one movie theater pretty near here.
Nota: O ''pretty'' pode ser retirado para simplificar a frase.
b) It's my car
It's my mother's car
It's my neighbor's car
Qualquer sujeito está bom.
Espero ter ajudado. Bons estudos. :)