Inglês, perguntado por renanbernardes200, 10 meses atrás

alguém pode me ajudar ​é urgente ?


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tatyverdi
a) Whose house is that? It’s Ted’s.
b) This is the boy who told me a lie.
c) That is the man who telephoned.
d) The man whose car is red is my father.
e) The engineer who built our house is Mr.Melvin
f) Whose hat is this? It’s John’s.

B) I bought a car that is very comfortable.
C) I read a book that is very interesting.
D) I saw the man that is your friend.

Espero ter ajudado!

renanbernardes200: obrigado
tatyverdi: dnd :)
renanbernardes200: Vc poderia me ajudar na questão de Português
renanbernardes200: acabei de apostar
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