Inglês, perguntado por robertagpauli0, 2 meses atrás

Alguém pode me ajudar? É para terça- feira.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

2- Assinale a alternativa em que não há uma frase no Past Continuous.

a) It was eating its food.

b) We were buying a car.

c) I was happy.

d) You were going in the park.

3- Assinale a alternativa onde há uma frase no Past Continuous.

a) The birds flying.

b) She is buying the car.

c) It was eating.

d) He was play.

4- Passe as frases para a forma Interrogativa do Past Continuous.

a) They were playing in the garden.

Were they playing in the garden?

b) She was driving fast today.

Was she driving fast today?

c) You were reading the letter.

Were you reading the letter?

d) He was talking to each other today.

Was he talking to each other today?

❖Past Continuous

O Past Continuous é um tempo verbal utilizado para descrever ações em progresso no passado e para falar sobre ações interrompidas por outra.


Affirmative Form:

  • was/were + verbo com -ing + complemento

Negative Form:

  • was/were + not + verbo com -ing + complemento

Interrogative Form:

  • Was/Were + sujeito + verbo com -ing + complemento

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