Inglês, perguntado por Dudaregina, 10 meses atrás

Alguém pode me ajudar?

Different minds; different professional
complete the sentences with a name of a job.

1. He earns money with tour money. He is a ----------------------
2. People feel happy when they don´t need him. He is a -------------------
3. Although his face is usually sad, his job is to make you laugh. He is a -------------
4. People say he is a liar, but in fact he is a ----------------------
5. I wear a uniform and walk a lot. I don´t like dogs. I am a -------------------

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por HayleyHM
1. "Ganha dinheiro com seu dinheiro" sinceramente não sei.

2. Eu acho que esse é médico (doctor)

3. Palhaço (Clown)

4. Mentiroso? talvez um político (Politician)

5. Carteiro (postman)
Respondido por Igor1251
1. He earns money with tour money. He is a #bussinessman# ( empresário )
2. People feel happy when they don't need him. He is a #doctor# ( médico )
3. His face is usually sad, his job is to make you laugh. He is a #clown# ( palhaço )
4. People say he is a liar, but in fact he is a ----------------------
5. I wear a uniform and walk a lot. I do not like dogs. I am a #postman# ( carteiro )
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