Inglês, perguntado por vanzelaj59, 8 meses atrás

alguem pode me ajudar com esse exercicio fazendo um grande favor Coloque as palavras na ordem correta para formar sentenças coerentes. Observe posição de JUST no modelo abaixo:

I/ exams./ just/ my/have/final/finished

I have just finished my final exams. ( Eu acabei de terminar meus exames finais)

a) a/ has/ She/ just/ CD./ bought/ new

b) just/ Edward/and/have/married!/ Paty/ got

c) seen/have/ Cathy./We/ just

d) won/my/have/lottery./cousins/just/the

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por thaisvictoriab


She has just bought a new CD.

Edward and Paty have just got married.

We have just seen Cathy.

My cousins have just won the lottery

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