Inglês, perguntado por anonimo225x, 11 meses atrás

alguem pode me ajudar ?​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por hakaishin3000


1) Complete os espaços com a opção correta: Should ou Must.

a) We MUST respect our parents.

b) You SHOULD have studied more.

c) It looks like it's going to rain. You MUST take an umbrella with you.

d) You MUST obey the rules of the corporation.

e) You MUST do your homework.

f) You SHOULD have told her the truth.

g) You MUST be home on time or you will be grounded.

h) I think you MUST exercise more.

2) Passe todas as frases da questão 1 (já respondidas) para o Português.

a) We MUST respect our parents.

(Nós DEVEMOS respeitar nossos pais)

b) You SHOULD have studied more.

(Você DEVERIA ter estudado mais)

c) It looks like it's going to rain. You MUST take an umbrella with you.

(Parece que vai chover. Você DEVE levar seu guarda chuva com você)

d) You MUST obey the rules of the corporation.

(Você DEVE obedecer as regras da corporação)

e) You MUST do your homework.

(Você DEVE fazer sua lição de casa)

f) You SHOULD have told her the truth.

(Você DEVERIA ter dito à ela a verdade)

g) You MUST be home on time or you will be grounded.

(Você DEVE chegar em casa na hora certa ou será castigad)

h) I think you MUST exercise more.

(Eu acho que você DEVE se exercitar mais)

3) Preencham os espaços em branco usando "must" ou "have to" adequadamente.

A) You HAVE to go there right now. Do you understand?

B) They MUST stop drinking so much beer here.

C) John and Mary MUST see a doctor tomorrow.

D) He thinks he HAVE to get a good grade so he can pass.

E) Adam and Eve HAVE to talk to the manager.

F) We MUST work hard to get what we want.

G) He HAVE to call you. No, he doesn't.

H) Do you HAVE to go now? Yes, I do.

I) Sorry. I MUST go.

4) Passe todas as frases da questão 3 (já respondidas) para o Português.

A) You HAVE to go there right now. Do you understand?

(Você TEM que ir lá agora. Entendeu?)

B) They MUST stop drinking so much beer here.

(Eles DEVEM parar de beber tanta cerveja aqui)

C) John and Mary MUST see a doctor tomorrow.

(John e Mary DEVEM consultar um médico amanhã)

John (João) Mary (Maria)

D) He thinks he HAVE to get a good grade so he can pass.

(Ele acha que TEM que tirar uma boa nota para poder passar)

E) Adam and Eve HAVE to talk to the manager.

(Adam e Eve TÊM que falar com o gerente)

Adam (Adão) Eve (Eva)

F) We MUST work hard to get what we want.

(DEVEMOS trabalhar muito para conseguir o que queremos)

G) He HAVE to call you. No, he doesn't.

(Ele TEM que ligar para você. Não, não tem)

H) Do you HAVE to go now? Yes, I do.

(Você TEM que ir agora? Sim, tenho)

I) Sorry. I MUST go.

(Desculpe. DEVO ir)


Hope it helped you guys.

anonimo225x: muito obrigado
hakaishin3000: De nada :)
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