Inglês, perguntado por JonhyBarbieri2005, 9 meses atrás

Alguém para me ajudar? Por favor

3. Mark the correct alternative according to the PASSIVE VOICE.
England produce good wine.
Many people spoke Italian

Good wine has been produced. / Italian is spoken.

Good wines are produced. / Italian is spoken.

Good wine is produced. / Italian was spoken.

4. Mark the correct alternative according to the PASSIVE VOICE, in the interrogative form.

She had used a lot of her skills in her job.
The hotel will serve the breakfast from 7am.

Have a lot of her skills be used? / Will the breakfast serve from 7am?

Had a lot of her skills be used? / Will the breakfast be served from 7am?

Does a lot of her skills use? / Is the breakfast be served from 7am?

5. Mark the correct alternative according to the IF CLAUSE. Classify the sentences.

If they came earlier, they ….
If she has luck, she ….
If I had studied more, I …

2nd / 1st / 3rd

1st / 3rd / 2nd

3rd / 2nd / 1st

6. Mark the correct alternative according to the IF CLAUSE, that completes the sentences below.

I will remember you if you __ (to give) me a photo.
She __ (to forget) to pick you up if you didn’t phone her.

can give / forgot

gave / would forget

give / could forget

7.Mark the correct alternative according to the TAG QUESTION.

The company has planned the profit, ___?
She has a big brother, ___?

hasn´t it / hasn´t she

hasn´t it / doesn´t she

hadn´t it / isn´t she

8.Mark the correct alternative according to the TAG QUESTION.

There is no water, ___?
They never go to the beach, ___?

is there / do they

isn´t there / don´t they

is there / didn’t they

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Passive Voice

⇒⇒  Question tag

3. Passive voice

England produce good wine.

Many people spoke Italian

a.  Good wine has been produced. / Italian is spoken.

b.  Good wines are produced. / Italian is spoken.

c.  Good wine is produced. / Italian was spoken.

4. Passive voice  - interrogative form

She had used a lot of her skills in her job.

The hotel will serve the breakfast from 7am.

a.  Have a lot of her skills be used?

    Will the breakfast serve from 7am?

b.  Had a lot of her skills been used?

    Will the breakfast be served from 7am?

c.  Does a lot of her skills use?

    Is the breakfast be served from 7am?

5. If clause >> classify

If they came earlier, they ….

If she has luck, she ….

If I had studied more, I …

a.  2nd / 1st / 3rd

b.  1st / 3rd / 2nd

c.  3rd / 2nd / 1st

6. If clause

I will remember you if you give me a photo.

She could forget  to pick you up if you didn’t phone her.

a.  can give / forgot

b.  gave / would forget

c.  give / could forget  ✅

7.   Question tag

The company has planned the profit, hasn't it?

She has a big brother, doesn't she?

a.  hasn´t it / hasn´t she

b.  hasn´t it / doesn´t she  ✅  

c.  hadn´t it / isn´t she

8.   Question tag

There is no water, is there?

They never go to the beach, do they?

a.  is there / do they ✅

b.  isn´t there / don´t they

c.   is there / didn’t they

As ''question tags'' são usadas para confirmar ou questionar uma determinada informação anteriormente mencionada em uma frase. (é como se fosse o nosso ''né?'')

Você vai na festa, não vai?

               ║                  ║

        afirmativa        negativa

Você não vai na festa, né / vai?

                 ║                      ║

           negativa           afirmativa

→→ A ''question tag'' sempre aparece no fim da sentença, separada por uma vírgula e ponto de interrogação no final.

→→ A ''question tag'' tem que usar o mesmo verbo que está na primeira parte da frase, não se esquecendo dos auxiliares do - does - did e ''modal verbs'', quando necessário.

→→ Se a sentença está na forma afirmativa, a ''question tag'' tem que ser na forma negativa.  

You are studying German, aren't you?  

David is an engineer, isn't he?

The kids play soccer on Sundays, don't they?

→→ Se a sentença está na forma negativa, a ''question tag'' tem que ser na forma afirmativa.  

She is not going home, is she?  

They don't like to play chess, do they?

Susan will not travel in December, will she?

Learn more   >>  question tags     >>  question tags     >>  conditionals   >>  conditionals


JonhyBarbieri2005: Uauuuu, muitíssimo obrigado, até colei sua explicação e salvei um arquivo
CremildaBR: ;)
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